Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2015 PDGA World Championship Disc Contest

Being knew to the disc art game if I see a contest I'm going for it. When I saw a chance to design the 2015 PDGA World Championship disc I got pretty amped up. The tournament is being held in the Pittsburgh area and of course a black and yellow theme came to mind. Pittsburgh being a steel town and know for some cool bridges. I saw a concept already online with a bridge theme so I chose to go steel worker. I gathered some reference did a few sketches and completed a Black & White, as well as a full color version and submitted them. When the decision was made the winner was that initial bridge design slightly modified for the better,that I saw before I even started. It was created by Ricky Normandeau, he also won the PDGA Ace & Birdie club design contest in 2012. I love is style. Well back to the drawing board for me, I have to work harder and create designs that can not be denied. Here is Ricky's winning design, his Original design and my concept as well as my inspirations.

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