Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Gone but not forrgotten

I apologize for the lack of posts. I am working a few discs right now so there will be some cool new discs to see. meanwhile I thought I should put something up, so here are some T-Shirt concepts for Forest Walkers Disc Golf. Thses are signature shirts for a couple of NC disc golfers who rep our gear. We have not taken the company to the next level, so these did not get printed. But thanks to Scott and Andy for showing off the Bear. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

T-Shirt Design for BCDC

It has been a couple of days since there was a post and I can't show you what I am working on just yet, so I will put up the last job I did. Bull City Disc Club wanted a doubles T-Shirt and of course I wanted to do it. I thought a mirror Bull image would be cool, but I did not want it to be a Red Bull logo. The Bull was hand Drawn and then scanned to Illustrator where the rest of the design was created. I hope you like it. Special thanks to Mike Pace for offering me this gig. The first image is a layout of front and back, the second image is final art for the back.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Forest Walkers Designs

We have already established that a friend and I have a disc golf apparel line called Forest Walkers. I previously posted our current line of shirts, please go and check them out at http://ben72hopwood.wix.com/forestwalkers- Today I want to show some of the other designs we have been working on. Any feed back would be great. I want to make the shirts that you want to buy, so let me know what you like. Here is what we have coming soon...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Discs to dye.

The level of talent out there is amazing and I see discs that are dyed that blow my mind. Obviously most of the dyed discs are art or logos pre-created, but that does not take away from the skill of dying discs. I only have a couple of dyed discs, but here are some examples of art I created and want to put on some plastic. There is hardly ever any reason why I draw what I draw just let the pencil do the walking. All of these designs were created in Adobe Illustrator. Enjoy! And yes that is an AT-AT skull!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Are you Brand Loyal?

Today I was thinking about how many different Disc manufacturing companies are represented in my bag. I carry Innova, Discraft, Latitude 64, Dynamic Discs, and West Side Disc products in my bag. Now some people are super brand loyal even though they are not sponsored, which brings up the question of why so loyal to one company if they are not sending you checks in the mail, or even free plastic? I started out thinking I'm going to use one brand and learn how to throw their discs and get used to certain types of plastic. The first time I went shopping for discs I bought four Innova discs in DX plastic; Wolf,Aero putter,Viking and Destroyer. I'm not going to lie I bought three of those discs mainly for the stamps. Being an artist I find it hard to buy discs that do not have cool art on the front.Very quickly I became obsessed with disc golf and started buying discs at least once a week, online in stores, getting plastic at tournaments. I got a Z Line Buzzz and of course my mind was blown. Next I got a Diamond as my PDGA registration disc, this is the disc that gave me the ability to drive. Will forever love that disc. I now had what I thought was a lot of discs (30 or so) and all kinds of different brands. I try all kinds of plastic now but have focused the types of discs I buy. This does not include the discs I buy purely for the art of the stamp. I now have more like 100 discs in my collection and I am always looking for the that next great thrower for me. My advise is to try all kinds of brands you never know what is going to work for you.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Disc Mania Design Contest

A few weeks back Disc Mania held a design contest through www.allthingsdiscgolf.com The winner would get 20 Disc Mania discs with their design on it. Your design had to include a Disc Mania logo. Whatever art was submitted became the property of Disc Mania. In the back of my mind I did not want to give my best work, but I wanted to show some top notch art. I look back now, I know I should have given them my best, because I did not win. Lesson leaned will only put my best art out there for the Disc Golf World to see. I did submit two totally different styles; the first being a grim reaper. The second was a space girl pin-up. Including my pencil sketches which are much more my normal style and the way I want to portray my art. Enjoy.