Tuesday, January 26, 2016

15th Annual Buckhorn Open Disc

New disc design for the 15th Annual Buckhorn Open in NC. So I get a call to do a new disc by my boys at CADL. Super psyched! It was a really quick deadline, but I new I could get this done quickly. An Idea was already in my head before I got off the phone. A scenic look, all done in Illustrator. I drew it all with the mouse. Easy enough for bold graphic images like this. I did a black and white for the stamp and a color version for promotional use. If you notice the antlers have 15 points, for the 15th annual. Thanks to Jay and Ken and everyone over at CADL. Thanks for believing in me and my art. Here are both versions enjoy. I believe the tournament disc will be the new Innova Colossus. Added to Photos of printed discs.